Offset your carbon emissions

the ethical way

Introducing Carwitter ECO

At Carwitter, we believe that endeavours to do good for the climate shouldn’t be green-fronted money-making schemes. Classic car carbon offset schemes should be 100% altruistic.

A large part of saving driving means saving the stunning, picturesque landscapes that make classic adventures so memorable.

The harsh reality is that driving the vehicles we adore, produces CO2, which has an impact on the environment. Yes, it’s true that collector vehicles only represent a fraction of the global emissions that are hurting our planet, but we’re committed to helping lay the road to a cleaner, healthier planet where we can continue to enjoy the things we love most – like driving on the open road.

That’s why we’re proud to introduce the Ethical Carbon Offset (ECO) program. An alternative to Hagerty ECO, it differs in the fact that ALL of your money goes towards offsetting your classic motoring miles.

That’s right, we provide this service totally free of charge, so that car lovers have the chance to easily calculate their carbon footprint and take real action to help offset it.

Join us as we motor toward a fun-filled future with cars and beautiful places to enjoy them in.

Classic car carbon offset
How it works


Pick your vehicle type, enter your MPG & the miles to offset. Most classic owners drive around 1,000 miles a year.


The calculator will then estimate how many kgs of CO2 you’ll produce, and how many trees you need to plant to offset your mileage.


Once you know how many trees, just click one of the links below to go directly to the charities that plant trees on your behalf.

Make more of your money work

Unlike other classic car carbon offset schemes, using the above calculator ensures that 100% of your money ends up in the pockets of the charities who are dedicated to planting trees on your behalf.

One Tree Planted have conservation efforts across the world, the link we’ve selected will take you to help plant trees here in the UK, because that’s where we based.
Donate $1 and one tree will be planted.

Trees for Cities is another iniative who have partnered with automotive brands in the past like CUPRA to plant trees in urban areas across the UK.
Donated £6 and one tree will be planted.

How you can make a change

We’ve chosen two charities that both work here in the UK, so that you know your classic car carbon offset is making a difference close to home, near to the roads you drive and love. Here are two short videos on the latest work One Tree Planted and Trees for Cities are doing.

Carwitter ECO FAQ

  • How are these figures calculated?
    Unlike Hagerty ECO, we’ll tell you exactly how we get to our numbers (which nearly match their calculations).

    Here goes. Each type of vehicle is given a weighting, with a modern car being 1.0. A Classic Cars value is 2.1, truck 2.2, motorcycle 2.1.

    A modern car emits roughly 8.8 kg of CO2 per gallon of fuel.

    The amount of miles driven is first divided by the MPG, then multiplied by the original weighted figure and then multiplied again by 100.

    We then divide that figure by 22, as 22kg of CO2 can be sequestered in every fully mature tree a year. Rounding this figure up then gives us the number of trees that need to be planted.

  • Why are the number of trees almost double what Hagerty & Chrome Carbon calculate?
    Hagerty et al, seem to think that each mature tree emitting 180 kgs per year must help to combat CO2 emissions as they specifically mention it on their calculator. We’ve never seen that argument, and producing oxygen has nothing to do with sequesterin carbon.

    Our figure is simply the amount of CO2 per year, divided by 22 kgs which is the figure that the European Environment Agency says a mature tree can capture per year.

  • How do I know this figure is correct?
    Well, you don’t. And neither do we. Hagerty and Chrome Carbon don’t provide the math behind their calculator. Realistically they’re just giving an arbitary number. We’ve simply matched their figures as close as possible by reverse engineering the numbers. Ours play slightly above theirs but seem to be more realistic when cross-referenced.

    We have no idea how they came to the conclusion that a classic cars is roughly x2 worse than a modern vehicle as there seems to be no easily accesible research on the subject. But let’s assume that’s a pretty good guess and just trust them.

    We’ll endeavour to update the calculator when we can speak to some experts and get a better informed opinion on the matter. In the future we aim to include the total CO2 of each litre of fuel, to encompass production, transport etc before burning.

  • Are you handling or taking my money?
    Nope, we just offer the calculator. You then click the link and make your donations directly with our two chosen charities.

  • Is this free to use?
    100% free.

  • Does Carwitter profit from this in any way?
    No. The calculator is free to use, and all you’re doing is clicking a link to the SAME company (plus one more) that Chrome Carbon would hand your money to while pilfering 20-30% in the process.